Un poco de historia
A brief history
Migres Foundation was founded in 2003 with the main goal to promote research and encourage activities aimed at sustainable development, based on the conviction that this type of actions determine the best tools for biodiversity conservation.
Throughout over 10 years of its history, Migres Foundation has become an international reference in the study and scientific monitoring of both migration and global change (evidence of this is the success of the First and Second Congress on Bird Migration and Climate Change, organized by the Migres Foundation, or the implementation of the International Research Centre on Migration and Global Change), and in finding solutions to mitigate the impact of wind energy (the First Iberian Congress on energy wind and wildlife conservation was organized by Migres Foundation during January 2012 with great success by administrations, scientists and renewable energy promoters).
Migres Foundation has also become an essential institution for reconciling sustainable development and biodiversity conservation. In recent years an increasing number of socio-economic initiatives related to sustainable use of natural resources have been put forward directly or indirectly by Migres Foundation. The promotion of new sources of employment, training new professionals or activities such as birdwatching tourism are just a few examples.
But also Migres Foundation has proven to be a leader in finding solutions to environmental challenges that can become opportunities for sustainable economic and social development.

Premio “Las diez mejores ideas para salvar la Naturaleza”. RED Life 2007 por “Insulas: Red andaluza de custodia y gestión del territorio”.
Premio “Las diez mejores ideas para salvar la Naturaleza”. RED Life 2009 por la ‘Red de Observatorios para el análisis del cambio climático y las migraciones de aves’.
Premio al mejor documental en el Festival de Oporto 2010 por “El Estrecho. La Puerta de los Mundos”, por sus imágenes únicas sobre el fenómeno migratorio de aves en el Estrecho y por su importancia en el estudio del comportamiento de las aves.
Premio 2012 AFA (Asociación de Fundaciones Andaluzas) por su compromiso con la sociedad y el medio ambiente.
Premio 2013 “X Aniversario del Parque Natural del Estrecho” por la gran labor en pos de la difusión de los valores naturales de la zona y su contribución a conservación del P. N. del Estrecho.
“Watson Raptor Science Prize” 2013 por el artículo científico Weak relationship between risk assessment studies and recorded mortality in wind farms publicado en 2012 en Journal of Applied Ecology por su relevancia en la conservación de aves de presa.