

We stand for the protection of the natural environment and work hard for effective conservation measurements to ensure the sustainable future for the next generations.

Therefore, we encourage and promote research, awareness and dissemination of the environment, with special attention to bird migration and its relation to climate change.

We perform research initiatives to provide solutions to environmental challenges and we promote sustainable socio-economic activities in the natural environment.

If you share our values ​​and principles to protect and conserve the environment you can contribute by making donations to ensure and maintain the projects we conduct.

By donating, you are contributing directly to these projects and encouraging conservation efforts in these natural areas. Your donation is a support commitment and an investment for the conservation of natural heritage and biodiversity protection.

We appreciate your support and cooperation and we hope to go further for a better world.


Press the button and choose the amount you want to donate by PAYPAL

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You can also donate by bank transfer

LA CAIXA: ES80 2100 7822 1023 0007 4873