Contacta con nosotros

Contact us

Sevilla headquarter

Avda. María Luisa s/n. Pabellón de Perú. CP 41013. 954468383.

Tarifa headquarter.

CIMA, Centro Internacional de la Migración de las Aves (Bird Migration International Center). Ctra. N340 km 85. CP 11380. 956679857.

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    how can we help you?

    In accordance with the provisions of article 5 of Organic Act 15/1999 on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD, for its Spanish abbreviation) and its developing regulation, MIGRES FOUNDATION hereby informs users that your personal information and email are part of a file which MIGRES FOUNDATION is responsible. The purpose of the file is the commercial management and sending commercial communications about our products and/or services.

    You can exercise your right right to access, rectify, cancel and oppose to their data, under the aforementioned regulation, by sending an e-mail message to stating  in the subject “DATA PROTECTION”

    Thank you for your cooperation.